One City, Many Children: Reggio Emilia, a History of the Present
One City, Many Children: Reggio Emilia, a History of the Present
Recounting the story of the birth and development of Reggio Emilia’s infant-toddler centers and preschools, a narrative is developed through a number of broad themes: participation, the active role of women and women’s movements, the politics of education in the city’s municipal administration, the ties between pedagogy and politics, the originality of pedagogical thinking of Loris Malaguzzi and of the Reggio Emilia education project, and the strongly international identity of what is a local experience.
These themes, all topical and capable of generating new questions on education, on the role of schools, and as their highest aspiration, on the culture of children and human beings, are explored more deeply through contributions and considerations from architects, atelieristas, designers, academics, philosophers, photographers, teachers, pedagogues and pedagogistas, poets, film directors, scientists, and writers and historians: the theory of the hundred languages of children shapes the construction of the narrative form.
Edited by Rolando Baldini, Ilaria Cavallini, Peter Moss, and Vea Vecchi
Reggio Children, Italy, 2012; illus., softbound, 272 pages
Dimensions: 10 x 9 x 1 inches